Monday 28 February 2011

An Exploding Rash!

No folks, its not something I've caught from a seedy Soho venue.
Rathermore its to describe the sudden and copious output from my studio. (No, that sound horrible too!! I'be been reading too many blogs with British humour in.)
Anyway, after finishing the MA and trying for months to summon up some sort of creative urge from the ashes of my inspiration (I haven't given up on the coloured transparent work but it got such a poor mark as my final project I felt pretty useless), I decided January was about the best time to make a new start, New Years Resolutions and all that.
So after a surprisingly sober and boring NYE, even an early night, I was looking at a long day of work ahead.
I started in earnest, not realising quite how much paint I would be using up! I based it on a one off painting that I did last summer. I showed it at a crit at uni and they were overcome with indifference, however mere mortals like my family and people on the net liked it so I thought it had legs.
Here is some of the output for January:

There's about 1/2 dozen more since them, and its only the end of Feburary!

I'm planning to hawk them on the saatchi website but after I realised they need 1500px pics on the shortest side I found I had to photograph them all better.. dammit!!