Monday 7 June 2010

Shevanara and the Shade

I met a cat called Shevenara today.

Driving around Redhill is a bit of an adevnture for me, what with all its one way systems and tiny cul-de-sacs; as I have no sense of direction and my sat-nav consists of a small BlackBerry screen that I cant easily look at while driving, and doesn't talk to me, connected via Bluetooth to a little GPS gadget that I keep forgetting to bring with me anyway. This has been my fourth or fifth trip into Redhill over the last month to pick up materials (glass) for my final MA project. The idea was to use recycled glass in my work, thus promoting the idea of sustainability, non-consumption and to save me money. Well, apart from the fact that its cost me a bit in petrol money, and driving isn't exactly eco-friendly, I think I have achieved my aims. I now have enough panes/shelves/cabinet doors/coffee table tops/chest of drawer surfaces etc to construct an installation/indoor sculpture park that's really interesting.

But to me the stories behind the work have been the most interesting. I have met quite a few people and in the main they have been very nice - but that is no surprise, the Freecycle community is made up of folk with goodwill, kindness, and a passion for keeping useful things out of landfills, rather they contribute something to strangers and keep commitments than contribute to waste and rampant consumerism. They are decent, thoughtful, interesting people mostly and often as self-sufficient as they are giving: one lady even keeps chickens and geese in her little suburban front garden. They seem to like animals, and if an animal is happy its usually a sign they have good owners. Hence "Shevvy", the lovely moggy, who despite being hot and bothered in this sweltering June weather, came out of the shade to meet me and escort me to his front door, where his owner in sandals and floral prints meeted me with a smile, and offered to carry the glass all the way down the street to where I had left the car after trying to turn around. She told me all about her cat, who was like mine from Cats Protection, and we swapped rescue cat anecdotes as we loaded all the shelves and panes into the car.

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