Friday 30 July 2010


Transmission of light through a tinted window, is like transmission of an idea through a filter.
Language is a filter. It only allows certain information through. Hence the word “transparency”, and and the phrase “to be opaque”. Transmission of ideas takes place through technologies of transmission. Radio itself uses transmission: radiation of radio waves, sound waves. Sound waves are in our voices and our environments.
Ideas are transmitted through speech. Word of mouth. People chatting about the weather.
The volcano transmits ash through the air, and affects air travel – incidents around this event are transmitted on the radio, the TV, and by word of mouth.
(The newspaper is a static form and therefore is a complicated kind of transmission, not flowing but a dead text on dead wood, obsolete and still as soon as it is printed).
Sometimes corrupted information can be transmitted like a disease, a virus that changes from host to host.
Transmission doesn’t care where its going, the endpoint always moves during time.
Radiation is transmitted by the sun, and burns our skin. It also makes our grass seem greener and makes us feel better. It sparkles off the sea, and off car bodywork. It is beautiful but deadly. It brings out the glorious colours in the garden, but dries out and kills the flowers....

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